Your goal is to simplify how you run your business, allowing you more time to run your business (or personal time) rather than letting your business run you. Our goal is to continue to drive that goal forward allowing you the most flexibility and power possible in the software you use to run your business.
We are pleased to announce the release of Version 3.1 of our software, containing many enhancements and ease of use features. We'll outline those here.
Sending Reports (both iAuditor and Integrated Reporting)
Reports can now be sent out with a default user email name and email address, regardless of who is actually performing the send action. This is useful if you have multiple route technicians and want each of them to send reports, but the email the customers receive to always show the Admin (or company's) name and main email address. You'll find the default selection on the Preferences Screen.
Reports and Route Lists
Reports and Route Lists now exclude cancelled work orders even if you select them. This will prevent accidentally including work orders you didn't mean to.
The planning/forecasting application now includes graphs to provide data for various time periods you select showing the actual revenue or forecasted revenue for each period and for each customer within the period you select.
The Route Planning application has been enhanced to include Daily frequency Occurrences, provided that the number of days interval is greater than 7. This means that if you have multiple visits per week the dates won't change, but if you are using the daily frequency for less obvious uses (like 10 days between visits) the dates will change based upon the Route Date plan.
The Route Planning application will also allow you to enter a blank date for a week, in which case no dates will be modified for that week.
Additional Contacts
Adding additional contacts to the Property in the Contacts Grid is now simpler as the app will automatically fill in the "Associated With" portion. If you Add a New Contact to a property it will automatically be associated with the property. You can still add unlimited contacts to any property's file.
Invoice Reconciliation
You'll find this on the Customer App screen. It will bring up a list of all invoices create (directly from QuickBooks) and allow you to drill into each invoice to see exactly which Work Orders were included on the invoice and also be able to see all of the data lines of the invoice. It doesn't matter if you create the invoice in QuickBooks or in the Home Watch Business Management application -- all data will always be included and synchronized. You'll see if payments have been made/applied, see if Prepayments have been applied, and you also have a section that will point out if there are any errors syncing the reports to/from QuickBooks.
iAuditor Template Linkage
The Job Name field is now available to use in the Audit Title template meaning you can include that information in the iAuditor report's title. This is especially useful when doing reports for concierge-type visits as the Audit TItle can say something like "Smith Residence - Meet Plumber to fix leak."
Mobile Friendly Updates
The Work Order List, and some other screens, have had modifications made to make them more mobile friendly.
Semi-Monthly Occurrences
Semi-Monthly is now a valid frequency when creating Occurrences of a Series.
Other small fixes
Numerous other fixes have been added, most of which you won't see but you will probably feel from a performance perspective!
For more details on these features please refer to the User Guides on the Tutorials Page. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out for assistance! (214)461-0166 or [email protected]