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  • Gary Hawton

Now, It's Even Easier to Manage When Clients Come/Go

We’ve added some exciting and needed features to our Home Watch App for Method:CRM. Now, from a single screen, it will be much easier for you to track and manage when clients come and go from their properties.

In Las Vegas, as well as many other parts of the country, owners come and go frequently making it a bit of a challenge to manage when they are in-residence or not. This could also apply for RBO properties you may take care of.

With this change, a new menu item called “In Residence” has been added. When selecting this item you will be presented with a list of who is in, and what dates they will be in. Note that this view will default to the current month but it is easy to modify the view by selecting the calendar options.

To add a new entry press the Green button, which will take you to the detail entry screen. Fill in the top half with the in-residence information and note and press Save.

After pressing Save, the screen will populate with a list of all work orders within one week before/after the dates that the owner will be in residence.

Now it is a simple matter to cancel the work orders for the period they are in -- simply check the boxes and press the Cancel button. Done!

As most of you have certain preparations you make prior to a client coming in, we’ve added another feature to make it easy to put notes on work orders. Notice that there is an Edit link next to each work order: You can use this to open that particular work order and put a comment in as a reminder for you to prepare the home for arrival.

We’re excited about this addition and hope it proves very useful to all of our clients.

For more information, and to arrange to have this added to your existing system, please contact us anytime at [email protected] or 214-461-0166.

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